START    Mollier-Diagram

Meerdere Processen

Met deze online tool kunt u thermodynamische processen simuleren en visualiseren van vochtige lucht.

Psychrometric Chart animation

Simuleer 5 processen achter elkaar

Na het invoeren van de Luchtstartcondities, zoals de Hoogte en Luchtstroom, kun je verschillende acties uitvoeren, zoals:






De nieuwe luchtconditie wordt berekend en dit nieuwe punt en het proces worden automatisch in het diagram getekend.

Chart Settings

Upon accessing the tool, you will have the opportunity to set your general settings. Choose your preferred chart style and language, and select the unit system that you are familiar with.
  • Chart Style: Mollier/ Psychrometric-Chart. The x/y-axes will be flipped.
  • Chart Language: Input and output fields will be translated to your selected language.
  • Units-system: Metric(SI) or Imperial(I-P). This affects the chart, input and calculated values.

In the chart settings (icon under the chart), you can adjust the Temperature Axis and Humidity Ratio Axis, enable and set your Comfort Area and define the Air Density.

  • Axes: By adjusting the ranges, you can focus on just a part of the diagram.
  • Comfort Area: This is the range of the desired Temperature and Humidity. On/Off or customizable.
  • Density is standard set to actual Density (dynamic value). If enabled, the calculator will use the uniform density you set (fixed value).
Psychrometric Chart Settings
Find Air Condition

Luchtcondities vinden

Het is mogelijk om de luchtconditie te vinden op basis van het snijpunt tussen twee van deze parameters:
  • Drogeboltemperatuur
  • Natteboltemperatuur
  • Dauwpunttemperatuur
  • Vochtgehalte
  • Relatieve vochtigheid
  • Enthalpie
En ook om te berekenen:
  • Dichtheid
  • Dampspanning

Calculated results

Results are plotted in the chart, but also as numbers in tables. Two tables are under the chart:

  • Calculated Point Values: All psychrometric properties of the plotted air conditions.
  • Calculated Process Changes: All psychrometric process changes between the points.

Users with the "Complete Plan", can save up to 15 Projects and the chart, input fields and the results can be downloaded as an PDF-export as well.

Download Example PDF Export
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 START   Psychrometric Chart
